


China Rare Earth Industry Association established in Beijing

China Rare Earth Industry Association was established on April 8th in Beijing. As a national first class industry association, it is supervised by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

The association was established by thirteen sponsors including China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association, China Aluminum Corporation, China Minmetals Corporation, China Nonferrous Metal Mining Co., Ltd and Beijing Zhong Ke San Huan Hi-Tech Co., Ltd, together with other 142 member companies around the country. Among the thirteen sponsors, Zhong Ke San Huan is the only company from rare earth permanent magnet sector.

On April 8th, China Rare Earth industry Association held its first general meeting, at which “Articles of China Rare Earth Industry Association” was approved. Gan Yong, Vice-President of Chinese Academy of Engineering was elected as the President of the association. Hu Boping, Senior Vice-President of Zhong Ke San Huan was elected as Vice- President of the association.
The association will actively provide support and services for relevant departments and local governments, help maintain orders in the sector, facilitate exchange and cooperation between enterprises to spur innovation, and also coordinate efforts to cope with international trade frictions and disputes.

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